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Yearly Archives: 2022

The Vivacious Vernal Vehicle (Preparing Vehicle for Spring)

Most of us look forward to spring because the days are longer, the weather's warmer and we can finally get our vehicles into warm weather mode.  Here are a few things that will breathe fresh energy into anyone's car, SUV, truck or van. First thing is a good cleaning, especially underneath. If you live where salt and brine are used on the roads, it's important to get that off.  One thing to note… if you hose off your undercarriage, be careful not to get your spark plugs/wires wet.  You could notice your vehicle running rough plus the Check Engine light may come on. It usually dries out quickly, but if the engine light stays on for more than a couple of days, have your service facility check it out. Next, replace your windshield wipers.  They've taken a beating through the winter. New ones will have fresh rubber and you'll see clearly (and safely) out your windshield again. Have your brakes inspected.  That salt doesn't do your brake's metal components any ... read more



Clean Air for Your Engine: A New Engine Air Filter at Mackert Automotive LLC

All of us in GIG HARBOR know we have to get the oil changed in our vehicles periodically. That's just part of good vehicle care. But when Mackert Automotive LLC technicians change your oil, they also usually inspect your air filter. That's why they sometimes let you know that your air filter needs to be changed before releasing your vehicle.Don't just chock this up to trying to sell you something else. GIG HARBOR area drivers really do need to change their air filter when it gets dirty. You can check your owner's manual to see how often your air filter should need to be changed, but remember, if you live in an area in WA with poor air quality, or if you drive a lot or drive under harsh conditions in the GIG HARBOR area, you may need to change that filter more often than is recommended.Changing an air filter isn't guesswork. If a filter's dirty, it needs to be replaced. Air filters aren't very expensiv ... read more

Weather Station on Wheels (Vehicle Sensor Maintenance)

You probably never thought about it, but your vehicle is like a rolling weather station.  It can check the outside temperature, let you know when the roads are slippery and help you deal with rain. And how it does all those things is pretty cool. First, just like any weather station, a vehicle has sensors that measure the driving and weather conditions you find yourself in.  Some of those sensors can control computerized systems in your vehicle to react to the weather.  It depends on whether you have a 2-wheel, 4-wheel or all-wheel drive vehicle how those sensors will respond. Let's start with temperature.  Most vehicles now have a thermometer that measures the temperature outside.  It's usually in the front, and likely will tell you on the instrument panel what the outside temperature measures.  But a temperature sensor will also tell your vehicle's computers to turn on or off certain systems like the heating or air conditioning.  If your ambient tem ... read more

Mackert Automotive LLC: Good Service and Good Fuel Economy

Most GIG HARBOR auto owners want to save on gas and seek our advice on improving economy. At Mackert Automotive LLC, we are frequently asked, however, if it is really worth the extra effort. Just how much money can GIG HARBOR drivers actually save?In today's Mackert Automotive LLC article, we're focusing on the things you can do to improve your vehicle’s economydriving around WA. We'll tell you the potential savings per gallon of gas at $3.50, and we'll show a chart that also shows the savings at $3.00 and $4.00.   DOLLARS PER GALLON $3.00 / $3.50 / $4.00 TUNE UP 4%.12.14.16 The next item is replacing a clogged engine air filter. Your engine needs enough air to burn fuel efficiently for the best mileage. A clean air filter means you get plenty of air. The fact that the air's clean protects your engine. That can save you up to 10 percent or 35 cents a gallon.   DOLLARS PER GALLON ... read more


Fuel System

Which Item Is Most Stolen from Vehicles in GIG HARBOR?

  Which item is most often stolen from vehicles in GIG HARBOR?Is it: Stereo Wheels Air Bag DVD System Well, if you said stereo – you used to be right. But airbags have now surpassed stereos as the biggest target for theft in WA – approximately 50,000 a year are stolen across the country. New airbags cost about $1,000, but go for $50 to $200 on the black market in WA.Stolen airbags are making their way back into cars that have been in an accident. Of course, the danger to the consumer of having a stolen airbag installed is that you can never be sure what may have previously affected them and if they will work right when you need them. Contact us at Mackert Automotive LLC for more information about where to get your airbags checked or replaced.Find us at 3416 57 STREET CT NW, GIG HARBOR, WA 98335You can reach us by phone at: 2538513307 There are reports that 1 in 25 airbag replacements are stolen ... read more



Automotive Tips from Mackert Automotive LLC: Serpentine Belt System Wear

The primary job of the serpentine belt for GIG HARBOR drivers is to provide important traction to spin the accessories. As the belt wears it loses some of its grip and the accessories may not spin at optimal speeds. For example, if your alternator doesn’t spin fast enough, the battery will not completely recharge while you’re driving and you could end up stranded around GIG HARBOR with a dead battery. In short, a worn serpentine belt will stress all of the accessories it powers leading to premature wear and possible early replacement. When as little as 5% of belt material is lost, the serpentine belt cannot provide the proper traction for the accessories. Your friendly and professional Mackert Automotive LLC service advisor can inspect your belt for excessive wear and replace your serpentine belt system if it’s excessively worn.Give us a call.Mackert Automotive LLC3416 57 STREET CT NWGIG HARBOR, WA 98335 ... read more


Serpentine Belt

Automotive Tips from Mackert Automotive LLC: Tire Replacement Overview

Tires are an expensive purchase, so knowing when tires should be replaced is important for GIG HARBOR drivers. Tires will just wear out with normal use. The depth of the tread on your tire determines how well it will stop, start and steer – especially in wet conditions. 4/32th of an inch (3.2 mm) of tire tread is considered a safe amount of tread.Uneven tread wear can be a symptom of other problems, and simply replacing your tires will not prevent the same uneven wear from happening to the new tires. At Mackert Automotive LLC in GIG HARBOR, we can inspect your tires for excessive or uneven wear. Unusual wear may lead to further inspection of steering, suspension or alignment problems. We can help with necessary repairs and with getting you the right tires for your needs.Give us a call.Mackert Automotive LLC3416 57 STREET CT NWGIG HARBOR, WA 983352538513307


Tires and Wheels

Fuel Injection Basics for GIG HARBOR

All modern GIG HARBOR vehicles come with fuel injection systems, so it's a topic GIG HARBOR drivers need to know something about. The mighty fuel injector is a valve that delivers the gas or diesel fuel to the right place, in the right amount at the right timeto be mixed with air and burned in the engine.So how many fuel injectors does your vehicle have? There's one for each cylinder. So four, six or eight for most folks in GIG HARBOR, WA. Some vehicles have 10 or 12 cylinders. The engine control computer makes adjustments to the fuel injector as it monitors the engine and other sensors. Fuel injectors are a pretty high-tech.Mackert Automotive LLC can help GIG HARBOR drivers with a fuel injector cleaning service. What's the benefit? In order to work right, the fuel injectors have to deliver the fuel at a precise pressure at a very precise time. It's important that the fuel is sprayed in a particular pattern as determined by the engine design.Over time, varn ... read more


Fuel System

How to Get Better Gas Mileage in GIG HARBOR

There is no escaping it: things work better when you take care of them. Something most of us in GIG HARBOR can relate to is our computers. You've probably noticed how they get slower and slower over time. It takes longer to start up and programs take forever to load. Eventually, many of us just get a new computer at our nearest GIG HARBOR computer store. But computer experts know that there are things you can do to delay the need for a new computer purchase. You can run utilities that clean off temporary files and clean your memory registry. You can optimize your hard drive and a number of other things.What you're doing is maintaining your computer to make it efficient. It's the same thing with your vehicle. You maintain it to make it more efficient. It works the way it was designed to and that means it uses less fuel while you drive around GIG HARBOR. And you save money.To help organize our discussion, let's think of things that rob us of fuel economy in ... read more


Fuel System

Relax When the Wind Blows in WA: Winter Car Prep for GIG HARBOR Drivers

When autumn comes around in GIG HARBOR, leaves fall, nights get longer and there's a definite nip in the air. Time to unpack the boots and gloves and fold some extra blankets onto the beds. It's also time for GIG HARBOR drivers to winterize their vehicles.Here is some expert auto advice for GIG HARBOR drivers on what vehicles need to keep everyone safe and rolling throughout the WA winter months.1. Check your antifreeze. Top it off or change it if necessary. You don't want your radiator, engine or hoses freezing up. If your vehicle isn't generating enough heat to keep you warm, your antifreeze might be low, or you might have a thermostat problem. Either way, you should get it checked out before the full force of WA winter sets in. If you are due for a cooling system service at Mackert Automotive LLC in GIG HARBOR, get that done as well.2. Check your brakes. The slushy wet conditions of winter increase stopping distances. Ice exacerbates the problem. Yo ... read more


Winter Prep
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